Wholesale Shipments Retreat in January to 20,405 Units


Results for the RV Industry Association’s (RVIA) January 2023 survey of manufacturers determined that total RV shipments ended the month with 20,405 units, a decrease of (-61.8%) compared to the record 53,351 units shipped in January 2022.

“With record high RV production through the first half of 2022, the year-over-year decrease we are seeing in this report was expected,” said RVIA President & CEO Craig Kirby. “We are encouraged by the positive news and high attendance at RV shows across the country and the strong reservation numbers reported by campgrounds.”

Towable RVs, led by conventional travel trailers, ended the month down (-66.8%) against last January with 16,117 shipments. Motorhomes finished the month down (-10.1%) compared to the same month last year with 4,288 units.

Park Model RVs (see graph below) finished January up 64.8% compared to the same month last year, with 547 wholesale shipments.

Source: https://rvbusiness.com/wholesale-shipments-retreat-in-january-to-20405-units/