RVDA Convention Schedules Workshops on Fixed Ops – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News

EDITOR’S NOTE: RVBusiness is publishing a series of postings designed to give RV dealers a snapshot of the educational seminars available to them during the 2023 RV Dealers Convention/Expo, which is Nov. 6-10 at the Paris Las Vegas. Click here for more information and to register for the conference.

RVDA Training Aims to Put the Profit into Fixed Ops

Dealers questioning whether or not to bring additional staff to the upcoming RV Dealers Convention/Expo in Las Vegas would be well advised to take a look at some of the education opportunities being offered this year – especially in the fixed ops track.

Workshops not only hone in on best practices, but this year’s set includes several on how dealers can best turn their service operations into a solid, sustainable profit center that can boost the overall business when sales are slow.

The convention/expo runs Nov. 7 to 10 at Paris Las Vegas. For more information, click here.

Here is a look at the fixed ops workshops and vendor workshops being offered.


7 Steps to Increased Profits in Service Leonard Buchholz looks at 7 steps to increased profits in every service department and just like a repair diagnostic tree, you can take each one individually, correct the out-of-line condition and then move on to the next one.

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Forest River: What’s In Your Toolbox?: Understanding the Physical, Digital, Written Tools to Get Your “S” Together This Vendor Training +Plus session covers the physical tools for the jobs in your service department, the digital tools available from the OEM, specifically Forest River, Inc. and the internet, and the written tools to submit and complete a repair job.

LightSpeed: Technology – Do More with Less Resources! This Vendor Training +Plus workshop shows how technology can assist you in working smarter, not harder.

Transform Your Service Advisors into Up-Sell Machines Peter Chafetz explores why Service Advisors typically fail to maximize necessary service up-sell opportunities, how to change the Service Advisors mindset and effective strategies to jack up fixed ops revenue.

Lippert: Lippert ABS This Vendor Training +Plus session looks at Lippert’s new braking platform for towables featuring an anti-lock braking system (ABS) for electric brakes. This training will explain ABS functionality and overall system performance.

RV Technical Institute: RVTI Can Help You Down Your Shop Time & Increase Your Profits This Vendor Training +Plus workshop shows how good servce can keep campers in the lifestyle.

DealerPro RV: You Can’t Grow Your Business if You’re Making Bad Choices This Vendor Training +Plus session teaches the five choices that top performing RV dealers made last year for record profitability.


ASA Electronics: Emerging Trends in Safety This Vendor Training +Plus workshop shows how to identify, review safety products and features that align with customers’ needs.

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Put the ‘Advise’ in Advisor – Lessons from Master Advisors Valerie Ziebron offers tips from more than 100 top-performing service advisors to uncover some excellent tips that can help you build customer loyalty and profitability at your service counter.

Solve Service Writer Suffering David Spader discusses how to better understand how to hire, develop and manage a service writer.

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Cultivating a Top Performing Shop Valerie Ziebron looks at small tweaks that can make a big difference to shop performance.


How to Turn Your Advisors Into Sales Experts, Drive Revenue and Increase Customer Satisfaction Leonard Buchholz presents how to identify service sales opportunities already present in the service department using menus, walkarounds and multipoint inspections, communication techniques and strategies to build customer retention and satisfaction, use a service advisor checklist to coach the service advisor to increased sales.

Proven Strategies to Decrease RECT and Improve Technician Productivity Ken Barnes will cover the steps from start to finish on proven ways to decrease RECT (repair event cycle time) while increasing customer satisfaction. In addition, we will review ways to improve technician productivity and their satisfaction.

Battle Born Batteries: Advantages & Breakdown of Lithium Power Systems This Vendor Training +Plus

Increase Customer Trust and Transparency and Decrease RECT Times Using Technology Chris Hauck and Von Anderson show that by reducing RECT and increasing visibility into the dealership process, dealers will be able to increase transparency and restore trust, forging customer loyalty that will last a lifetime.

Source: https://rvbusiness.com/rvda-workshops-fixed-ops-track-eyes-increased-profits/