Knaus Tabbert Passes $1B Euros in Revenue for First Time
Driven by a strong growth spurt in the fourth quarter, Knaus Tabbert – a leading RV manufacturer in Europe – in fiscal year 2022 increased consolidated group revenue to over EUR 1 billion ($1.065 billion USD) for the first time based on preliminary figures, according to a release.
Overall, consolidated group revenue in financial year 2022 increased by 22% to EUR 1,050 million (previous year: EUR 863 million). Of this, EUR 356 million was attributable to the fourth quarter alone (previous year: EUR 228 million), in which the positive effects of the multi‐brand strategy at chassis became clearly evident for the first time. As a result, 11,426 motorized vehicles and 18,130 caravans were sold across the Group in the past fiscal year.

Wolfgang Speck
“The growth momentum in revenue and unit sales underscores the appeal of our brands for dealers and customers alike. The strong demand for leisure vehicles is also reflected in a continued high order backlog of EUR 1.3 billion at the end of the year,‟ commented Wolfgang Speck, CEO of Knaus Tabbert AG, on the past year. „We are very proud of what we have achieved in the past year. The strong fourth quarter underlines Knaus Tabbert’s great potential. Although the overall market was characterized by challenges along the supply chains, Knaus Tabbert added four new chassis suppliers to its offering and launched more than 16 new model variants in less than twelve months.”
The strong growth was driven by all five group brands – equally in the luxury and premium segments. The key figures reflect the temporary shift in production from motorhomes to caravans.
All information on revenue development is based on unaudited and preliminary figures in accordance with IFRS. Further statements on the 2022 forecast remain unchanged. The audited consolidated financial statements 2022 including the forecast for the financial year 2023 will be published on March 31, 2023.
About Knaus Tabbert