IDS: Using a DMS to Manage Multiple Dealership Locations

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is an edited excerpt of a report by IDS. Read the full report here.

Are you running multiple dealership locations or thinking of expanding to a new store?

Having a dealership management system that gives you visibility and insight into multiple locations is essential. Using a DMS, you can effectively coordinate the activities of multiple stores and make decisions that will help you achieve your dealership’s goals.

Allison Miller, former general manager of a multi-location dealership, gave insights into five ways to use dealership management software to make informed decisions, spot trends and patterns, and ultimately drive growth and success for your dealership.

Tracking Performance Across Multiple Dealership Locations

Using a DMS that joins multiple dealership locations will allow you to get a birds-eye view of your dealership’s performance. You can also see how each location performs relative to your overall business.

With a single, centralized platform, you can observe the big picture of dealership location management while drilling down for a more detailed view of the individual location’s performance.

These different visibility levels can help you make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement. For example, you can see which locations are performing well and which ones are struggling. Then, you make business decisions accordingly.

You’ll also be able to compare stores more easily to one another because you’re tracking the same metrics. The size of the stores doesn’t matter if what you’re measuring are ratios.

Read the full report here.
