Can 3D-Printed Ski Goggles Possibly Be Worth the Hype?

The app directs you to line your face up with an oval and rotate it. Then you get to see the resulting 3D model and confirm everything looks good, as in, like you. It’s a tad disturbing how quickly it can get an accurate scan; a digital plaster mask that takes seconds to make instead of hours in a chair breathing through straws. The one flaw I could see was that it turned my sideburns into little fins that call to mind a Guillermo del Toro creature.
What It’s Like to Wear Custom Ski Goggles
Two weeks later, the goggles arrived. Smith used my face scan to 3D print the frame of the goggles, and then their team assembled it with the foam, lens, etc., just like other goggles. But Imprint 3D goggles are plainly different. For one, there’s a lot less face-contact foam, and for two, the 3D printed frame that was extruded out of an HP Multi Jet Fusion printer somewhere doesn’t have that same plastic-y smooth sheen; instead, it looks almost fibrous, like suede.
It also seems a little wonky. Then I realize I’m just seeing the reversed contours of my face. Sure enough, when I put them up against my forehead and cheeks, it’s a perfect fit, like two puzzle pieces lining up. It actually feels a little odd how perfectly the goggles fit my face. Because I don’t have to squash down the foam to get a good seal, they seem almost delicate.