Your Outdoors: Top Sunrise and Sunset Photos From Our Followers

Every morning we start the day with the sun, and every evening we say goodbye to the light. Our lives follow this rhythm as we schedule our day around the dark and light.

Last week, we asked our followers to submit their favorite sunrise and sunset photos taken on phones, professional cameras, or film. We received hundred of entries.

The staff here at chose a few of our favorites to share, and here they are:

Fort De Soto, Florida by Amanda Jackson

Image by Amanda Jackson

Sunset by Kelly Elliott Giaquinto

Image by Kelly Elliott Giaquinto

Sunset by Dan DeMarce

Image by Dan DeMarce

Wildfire Smoke Filtered Sunset in Washington by Arten Easty

Image by Arten Easty

Lake George Captured on Real Film by Douglas Marsden

Image by Douglas Marsden

Sunset by Steve Gussey

Image by Steve Gussey

Umcolcus Deadwater in the North Maine Woods by Arthur Tenan

Image by Arthur Tenan

Indian Lake Estates, Florida by Krystal Diehl

Image by Krystal Diehl

Sunrise Looking at Mount Konocti – Lake County, California by Tony Gard

Image by Tony Gard

Sunset by Katie Jo Ann Campbell

Image by Katie Jo Ann Campbell

Sharpsville, Pennsylvania by Shaun Kahl

Image by Shaun Kahl
Check out everyone’s photos here.
