Young Moose Slips Down Icy Hill in Norway as Mom Looks on

Sometimes, as a parent, you have to let you kids make their own mistakes. In this case, a young moose slipped on an icy slope and slid down comically slowly as mom looked on. After the moose calf slips, slides, then gets back up on all four hooves, mom gives a big shudder, as if to say, “alright, let’s shake it off and move on!”
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Videos by Outdoors
Finn Olav Andreassen shared the video a few days ago, tagging it with hashtags that suggest the video is from Harstad, Norway. Andreassen also sets the video to the tune of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off.”
Some commenters express concern for the moose calf, asking if it was ok. To that, Andreassen replied yes, reminding folks that moose are hardy animals.
Watch as a young moose slips and slides here:
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