Yellowstone Tourists Come Across Howling Wolf Pack in the Snow

Earlier this week, Trent Sizemore Photography shared a video showing one of his favorite wolf encounters in Yellowstone National Park ever. A snowcoach full of tourists came across a pack of howling wolves, and they got to observe them from afar. The picturesque Yellowstone scene shows the wolf pack in the snowy untouched landscape.

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Videos by Outdoors

Sizemore is a wildlife photographer who lives in West Yellowstone, Montana and spends a good deal of time in the park’s interior. But even he was impressed by the scene that unfolded this week with the wolf pack.

“Today on snowcoach in Yellowstone’s interior was a top five wolf encounter for me!” Sizemore wrote in his Facebook post sharing the video. “Our guide spotted tracks of a pack as we were driving down the road, and they were extremely fresh. Jack then spotted them right in the road ahead of us. I was in the back of the coach, where everyone scrambled to get out quickly. We were the only ones there for this extended sighting of most of the Wapiti pack, if not all of them. There were probably just as many wolves in the trees. The howling audio was recorded after they all went back in to the trees.”

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Watch (and listen to) a howling wolf pack in Yellowstone here:

Find the Hidden Animals
