Wisconsin Mixed Bag: Deer season framework, spring hearing results on tap for NRB June 26 in Green Bay – Outdoor News

Madison — Wake boats, the 2024 deer season framework, and results of DNR and Conservation Congress spring hearing advisory question voting are just three topics Natural Resources Board (NRB) will field when it meets in-person at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 26, at the Oneida Hotel and Conference Center at 2040 Airport Drive in Green Bay.
NRB members also will hear about aquatic invasive species considerations, two land exchanges, one land donation, and several monetary donations. The board also will be asked to approve two scope statements, one on updating lead and copper requirements for public drinking water, and one on an alternate method for a municipality to establish proof of financial responsibility required for a solid waste disposal facility.
The public may watch the meeting on the DNR’s YouTube channel.
Loggers weigh in on northern Wisconsin deer herd past and present
50,000 turkeys shot during Wisconsin’s spring season for first time since 2009
Wisconsin Wardens at Work: Violators caught on their own trail cameras
Upper Miss Refuge Accepting Waterfowl Guide Applications Through July 1
Winona, Minn. — The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge is accepting waterfowl hunting guide special use permit applications for the 2024 waterfowl hunting season. Eight commercial waterfowl hunting guide permits will be available for 2024 through the end of the 2028 waterfowl season. Successful applicants will be awarded the opportunity to guide waterfowl hunters for up to five years. Annual renewal of the permit is required.
Applications must be postmarked or time-stamped in email no later than July 1. Interested applicants should obtain a copy of the Program Requirements and Stipulations for Waterfowl Hunting Guide Services and a permit application by contacting Stephanie Edeler, refuge specialist, via email at [email protected], or by mail at USFWS Attn: Waterfowl Guide Application, 102 Walnut Street, Suite 204, Winona, MN 55987. Citizens may request an application by calling (507) 494-6221.
Michigan DNR Forced to Kill 31,000 Hatchery Atlantic Salmon Infected with BKD
Harrietta, Mich. — Michigan DNR fisheries workers had to euthanize just more than 31,000 Atlantic salmon that were sick with bacterial kidney disease, or BKD.
In early April, an inspection of fish being reared at the Harrietta State Fish Hatchery, in Wexford County, found BKD was present. Staff at the Michigan State University Aquatic Animal Health Lab noted signs of disease.
A 28-day antibiotic treatment was completed May 17, but the treatment was not fully effective in eliminating the infection. Subsequent to completion of the antibiotic treatment, another group of fish was sent to the lab for analysis and signs of active disease were still noted.
“The bacteria that causes BKD is listed as a Level 1 restricted pathogen in the Model Program for Fish Health Management in the Great Lakes,” said DNR Fisheries Division Assistant Chief Ed Eisch. “Fish that are positive for Level 1 restricted pathogens can be stocked where the pathogen is already known to exist, but only if they are free of signs of disease. This lot of fish still shows signs of active BKD so they cannot be stocked.”
Harrietta is not the only Michigan DNR hatchery that was rearing Atlantic salmon. The Platte River State Fish Hatchery, about 15 miles west of Traverse City, Mich., also reared Atlantic salmon. The fish at Platte were healthy and were stocked at Torch Lake (15,883 fish), the Au Sable River in Oscoda (25,000 fish), the Thunder Bay River in Alpena (25,000 fish), Lake Huron’s Lexington Harbor (40,000 fish), and the St. Marys River at Sault Ste. Marie (27,000 fish).
MacKenzie Center Hosting Free Youth Archery Clinic July 20
Poynette, Wis. — The DNR’s MacKenzie Center will host a free youth archery clinic from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, July 20.
This free clinic for kids ages 8 through 15 will introduce kids to the sport of archery, or help sharpen their skills. The clinic is open to all skill levels. All equipment will be provided, so instructors ask students to not bring any of their own gear. There will be two sessions that will last an hour and a half with a cap of 15 students per session.
The first session will run 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The second session will run 10:30 a.m. to noon. To register or for more info call (608) 635-8112.
BOW Shooting Clinic June 29 in Stevens Point
Stevens Point, Wis. — The next Becoming an Outdoors-Woman shooting sports fun day will take place at the Bill Cook Chapter of the Izaak Walton League grounds in Stevens Point from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, June 29.
Instructors will have a variety of rifles, shotguns, and handguns for participants to try while learning safe shooting practices from patient instructors in a non-competitive, supportive atmosphere. Guns, ammunition, safety gear, lunch, fun and camaraderie are all included. Students must be 18 or older. No experience is necessary.
The fee is $225 per person and includes three hands-on shooting lessons with one-on-one coaching from expert instructors, lunch, and use of all equipment. There is no extra fee for the fun. Call or email at (715) 346-4562 or [email protected].
Moore Creek Spill Causes Mile-Long Fish Kill
Madison (AP) — A manure spill reported by an angler on Moore Creek in Monroe County on Saturday, May 18, resulted in a fish kill stretching more than a mile, according to DNR officials.
DNR officials said a farm’s manure transfer system failed but did not elaborate. The spill affected at least 1.2 miles of Moore Creek and an adjacent tributary. DNR officials said they didn’t have an estimate of how much manure has been spilled.