‘Wider Than a Coke Can’: Bigfoot Turds in Washington?


You just never know what you’re going to find when you head outdoors for an adventure in the wilderness. For one woman exploring a lava bed north of Columbia River Gorge near the border of Oregon and Washington, some giant fecals were not necessarily on her scavenger-hunt list. And yet, she found some. Could they be Bigfoot turds?

Facebook user Christy Morton shared photos of some giant turds on a private regional Facebook group for Sasquatch enthusiasts called “Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Photos, Videos & Sightings.” Irish Star reports that Morton was exploring just outside of Willard, Washington, slightly north of the Columbia River Gorge and west of Mt. Adams when she found the large piles of poo.

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“I came across a pretty massive poo,” Morton wrote. “In the pics it looks almost like stone, but it was soft (no fur or bones or berries obvious in it). There were about 5 piles close together, but that main one was bigger/wider than a Coke can. There were lots of elk droppings, but they looked much different. What do you think-bear or . . . ?”

Here are her photos:

According to Irish Star, reactions to Morton’s post (which she made late last year) were mixed. Some people pointed out that the area is very “squatchy”—meaning there are a lot of reported sightings there—so it’s possible those really are Bigfoot turds. Others said nope, these are likely droppings from a large bear or elk.

What do you think left those turds?

Source: https://outdoors.com/wider-than-a-coke-can-bigfoot-turds-in-washington/