WATCH: Who Will Win This Octopus vs. Shark Battle?

An offshore wind energy developer for Australia and New Zealand captured some incredible underwater footage of an octopus vs. a shark. If you had to put your money on one of these formidable ocean predators, are you betting on the octopus or the shark? If you know anything about marine life, the first question you’re asking is “what kind of octopus?” and “what kind of shark?”
The fierce Maori octopus in the video is one of the largest species in the southern hemisphere. Native to the waters surrounding Australia and New Zealand, the Maori octopus preys on animals like large crabs, rock lobster, fish, and even other octopus. But what about sharks?
The shark in the video is an Australian swellshark or “draughtboard shark.” The draughtboard shark is endemic to Australian waters (meaning it only lives there). These bottom-dwelling sharks eat squids, crustaceans, small fish, and octopuses.
In this video, though, the octopus is the aggressor, not the shark.
Watch the octopus vs. shark battle here:
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