WATCH: Lynx and Bobcat Meet, Then Scream at Each Other

What do you think would happen if a lynx and a bobcat came face to face? Well, thanks to a trail camera, you don’t have to wonder anymore. In one particular instance, a lynx and a bobcat crossed paths and decided to scream and groan at each other. BWILD shared the footage of the rare interaction on Instagram last week, and the video blew up.
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Videos by Outdoors
BWILD doesn’t offer specific location information, but the caption does include the hashtag #colorado. Both Canada lynxes and bobcats live in Colorado, although lynxes are very rare there. The two wildcats are about the same size, and some in the comments section wonder if the two animals are about to fight or mate.
Watch a lynx and a bobcat come face to face here:
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