WATCH: Ice Fisherman Captures Wolf vs. Coyote

Ryan Thorburn was packing up after an ice-fishing trip in Ontario, Canada when he witnessed something he never thought he’d see in real life—a wolf chasing a coyote right in front of him. Thorburn was able to get his phone out in time to record the pursuit across a snow-covered area where he appears to be sitting on a snowmobile.

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Videos by Outdoors

Since wolves and coyotes can sometimes be confused for each other, it’s interesting to see them both in the same frame. The size difference is remarkable. We don’t get to see the end of this chase from February 2021, but Thorburn also shared a picture of a bloody patch of snow and suggests in his caption that the coyote likely got away because his presence scared the wolf off.

Watch a wolf chase a coyote here:

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