WATCH: Entire Moose Family Goes for a Peaceful Swim in a Lake

Wildlife photographer Chris McQuarrie was stunned to come across an entire moose family taking a dip in a serene lake at Ontario’s Algonquin Provincial Park. McQuarrie says he’d been tracking the moose family consisting of a bull, cow, and calf for several days, but he didn’t expect to see this when he showed up for a day of shooting.
“Truly guys, I was absolutely shocked and dumbfounded to see all 3 just floating almost motionless in the clear lake,” he wrote in his Instagram caption sharing the video. “After slowly and quietly creeping down to the shore ahead of them I was able to take photos for a blissful 20 minutes or so. Many of you are aware of how much this moment means to me and I am very excited to share it with you.”
See the moose family swimming in a lake here:
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