Video: The Growing Impact of Millennials, Gen Z on Camping

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WCM's Park UpdateAdelle Rodriguez, senior director of marketing, and Kaelyn Beckman, marketing manager, for RMS North America joined WCM’s Park Update at 3 p.m. EST on Tuesday (Feb. 14) to chat about RMS’ recent 2023 State of the Industry Report. An annual report, it highlights trends in how the Millennial and Gen Z generations approach camping.

WCM’s Park Update is a production of Woodall’s Campground Magazine, a sister publication of RVBusiness.

Rodriguez spoke about the influence of technology and how Millennials approach technology while camping, highlighting how younger campers want an escape from technology but also pointing out new definitions of what that escape looks like. During the show, WCM’s Park Update also dove into the different types of camping that younger generations enjoy most, with glamping coming out on top and tent camping not too far behind.

You can watch the show on WCM’s Facebook, YouTube or Linkedin pages. The show is also distributed as a podcast and can be listened to on Apple PodcastsSpotify and Google Podcasts.

WCM’s Park Update is hosted by Ben Quiggle, editor of Woodall’s Campground Magazine, and Mike Gast, former vice president of communications at Kampgrounds of America Inc. (KOA).

The show airs every Tuesday at 3 p.m. EST.

To catch up on previous episodes, click here.
