Video: Officials with ‘The Dyrt’ on Why Camping will Stay Hot

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WCM's Park UpdateSarah Smith, co-founder of The Dyrt, and her husband, Kevin Long, CEO of The Dyrt, join WCM’s Park Update – a weekly video program by Woodall’s Campground Magazine, a sister publication of RVBusiness – at 3 p.m. on Tuesday (Jan. 31) to dive deeper into the company’s recently released 2023 Camping Report. They note that finding a campsite is still difficult for campers, highlight campsite rate trends, camper demographic changes and more.

Both Smith and Long also discuss new trends in how campers are choosing to camp, including the fact that camping alone is becoming more popular and that winter camping is also on the rise.

The report was compiled from a survey of The Dyrt’s camper community, which gets 30 million visits per year, as well as a survey of camping property managers across all 50 states.

You can watch the show on WCM’s Facebook, YouTube or Linkedin pages. The show is also distributed as a podcast and can be listened to on Apple PodcastsSpotify and Google Podcasts.

WCM’s Park Update is hosted by Ben Quiggle, editor of Woodall’s Campground Magazine, and Mike Gast, former vice president of communications at Kampgrounds of America Inc. (KOA).

The show airs every Tuesday at 3 p.m. EST.

To catch up on previous episodes, click here.
