Truma Offers List of Cold-Weather Camping Must-Haves

Are you planning a cold-weather camping trip this year? asks a press release from Truma.

Truma Combi and Truma VarioHeat heating systems will keep an RV nice and cozy, even in cold weather, the release stated. The Truma Combi is a two-in-one furnace and hot water heater. When camping in below-freezing temperatures, a Combi will keep the interior of a coach nice and warm, but Truma recommends winterizing the water tank to prevent freezing, just to be safe. The Truma VarioHeat is a near-silent, high-performance furnace perfect for small travel trailers and motorhomes. The Truma VarioHeat will ensure campers stay nice and cozy (and sound asleep) on those long winter nights.

Learn more about our Truma Heating Systems here.

While a Truma heating system will do the heavy lifting, there are a few other things campers may want to pack to make a trip even more memorable.

“We’ve put together a handy list of items we recommend to increase your comfort and safety in the winter months, the release stated.
