Trail Cams Show a Year in the Life of Endangered Mexican Wolves

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recently shared a compilation video showing clips of Mexican gray wolves from trail cams throughout 2023. The clips are from trail cameras in different locations across New Mexico and Arizona. USFWS says each clip progresses through the seasons, first showing winter, then spring, summer, fall, and back to winter again.

“Ever wondered what a year in the life of a Mexican wolf looks like?” USFWS asks in its Instagram post sharing the video. “From puppy cuteness to pack play to solo adventures, we stitched together a year of trail camera footage to give you a glimpse into the lives of wild Mexican wolves.”

In the video, you see solo wolves, pairs of wolves, and entire packs moving through an area. The clips provide an overview of wolf behavior throughout the seasons.

USFWS says trail cameras are invaluable in the management and conservation of Mexican wolves, an endangered subspecies of gray wolf. “[Trail cameras] provide insight into pack health, numbers, and pup survival,” the service writes in its YouTube caption.

See a year in the life of Mexican gray wolves through the eyes of trail cams here:

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