This Funny Video Teaches Viewers How to Beat Ticks This Summer

The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, Illinois created a funny video that provides important information about ticks. The clever video posted yesterday already has over 13,000 likes on Instagram, and besides making people laugh, it’s also teaching viewers how they can keep themselves safe from these dangerous arachnids (NOT insects, as the video makes clear).

In the PSA, two women dressed as ticks start off by providing information, saying things like “We’re ticks, of course we hang out in tall grasses and piles of leaves,” and “We’re ticks, of course we can survive 2-3 years without eating as adults.”

Then, when one “tick” starts sharing information that the tick community wouldn’t want you to hear, like how to avoid them, the banter begins. As the traitor tick starts providing this helpful information, the other tick says things like “Nooo, you can tell people that!”

It gets even better, but go ahead and watch this funny tick video for yourself:

Be Prepared With a Tick Removal Tool

Be prepared this summer by bringing along a tick remover tool when you go into wooded areas. The one from The Bug Bite Thing is a great option.

This stainless steel tool helps you remove ticks of all sizes, types, and levels of engorgement. One side offers a slotted scoop for removing large ticks, and the other side has fine-tipped tweezers for removing small ticks.

While the best strategy is to avoid ticks altogether, having a backup plan is always a good idea.

Did you learn anything new from this hilarious video?

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