‘Thieving Coyote’ Tries to Steal Puppy Bed (Viral Video)

A viral video showing a “thieving coyote” isn’t what it seems. First, you see a coyote on a porch, hanging out in a dog bed. The man recording seems shocked that there’s a wild animal trying to take the puppy bed and mat. Then, he decides to try to pet the coyote, opening the sliding-glass door and even inviting the animal inside. Somewhere along the way, viewers start to wonder if this is all as it seems—and, in fact, it’s not. The man, Tim McMechan, knows this coyote, and the coyote is familiar with the man, too.
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McMechan calls this coyote Weave, and comments on the video suggest Weave is basically McMechan’s pet, although he never explains the relationship in the video. On his social-media platforms, McMechan shares frequent videos of Weave interacting with his actual pets, including a pitbull and a little white cat, sometimes even inside his home.
Watch the “thieving coyote” here:
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Source: https://outdoors.com/thieving-coyote-tries-to-steal-puppy-bed-viral-video/