The Dirty Little Secret Behind Sewer Hose Selection

Let’s be honest here: Sewer hoses may not be the most fun topic. That is, unless they’re the centerpiece of some tragicomic camping tale—and generally, you want to avoid that experience. But, truth be told, the stories are common because dirty work is necessary when you camp. And whether you’re purchasing your first RV or your fifth RV (hi, mom and dad), you wanna get this crap right. Recent products have advanced to make things easier, so we’ll get down and dirty on the secret to choosing the right hose for you. That way, someone else’s sewer hose horror story can be the center of attention on the campground.

The dirty little secret behind everything is ensuring that your money is spent on features that truly benefit your camping style. Whatever you choose, check your hoses regularly to make sure there’s no wear and tear. Also, having a backup hose is always a good safeguard in a pinch. Trust us, there are worse ways to waste your money.
