The Countdown to ‘Fat Bear Week’ is On: Here’s How You Can Vote, Participate and Celebrate

Get ready, we’re a week away from the “Fat Bear Week” kick-off. The annual fall event has taken on legendary status to its dedicated fanbase.

Each year, Katmai National Park runs a tournament that aims to vote for the park’s fattest bear, and the best part? You can watch some of the Katmai bears fattening up from a live stream before they head for hibernation.

According to a press release, Fat Bear Week started in 2014 as “Fat Bear Tuesday.” The day was to celebrate the bears on Alaska’s Brooks River and the healthy ecosystem. However, the day was so popular that the NPS expanded the event to an annual week. 

The Brooks River in Katmai National Park brings thousands of salmons through the area, and local grizzly bears have taken note. So much so that you can watch a live stream on

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Here’s how the NPS says you can be involved:

  • Sept. 28 & 29: Cast your votes for Fat Bear Junior at  
  • Oct. 2: You can start filling out your brackets when the head-to-head matchups are announced during a live chat.  
  • Oct. 4 – 10: Cast your votes throughout the week at  
  • October 10: We will crown 2023’s Fat Bear Week Champion and give them a hero’s send-off into hibernation.  
fat bear week voting
Otis is one of the fan favorites and has won four times. (Source: Getty Images)

Last year, Fat Bear Week saw more than one million votes cast from all over the world. A bear named 747 was crowned the champion in 2022. That bear has won twice, but Otis, a fan favorite, has taken the title four times in the last few years.

All the links you need to start voting can be found here.

Are you a fan of nature live streams? Check out a list of some of the best cameras here.
