Outdoor News How a plan to catch a record fish came together in 1982 on Minnesota’s Pomme de Terre River – Outdoor News
Outdoor Life ‘All I Do Is Fish Jigs for Lakers.’ Minnesota Man Catches the Pending State Record Lake Trout
Outdoor Life ‘That Ain’t No Crappie.’ Watch This 13-Year-Old Catch a State-Record Largemouth Bass Through the Ice
Outdoor Life Cobia That ‘Acted Like Four Bags of Cement’ Stands to Crush Current World-Record by 40 Pounds
Outdoor Life 7 Unbelievable True Fishing Stories of Record Catches, Wild Fights, and One Pissed-Off Shark
Outdoor Life ‘Big as a Yellow Submarine.’ Yellow Perch Caught in the Tidewater Breaks 46-Year-Old Maryland Record
Outdoor Life ‘I Just Wanted to Catch a Fish,’ Says Ohio Angler Who Caught the New State-Record Crappie
Outdoor Life Landing This 8-Foot Catfish, Possibly the Largest Ever Caught in the UK, Was Like ‘Walking 12 German Shepherds’ at Once
Outdoor Life South Dakota Bowfisherman Shoots 6-Pound Brown Trout, Setting a New State Record and Drawing the Ire of Purists