Swamp Zipliners Shocked When Gator Pops out of Water (Video)


Some zipliners participating in a swamp zipline tour in New Orleans got a surprise when a gator popped up to say hello. The alligator didn’t come up on deck, but the zipliners and everyone standing by were clearly shocked to see it show up so suddenly.

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ZipNOLA, the eco tour agency that operates the zipline, shared the video on Instagram, and many people commented that the zipliners are lucky gators don’t leap up for a nibble. Of course, humans aren’t on the menu for alligators, but wild animals are unpredictable, and sometimes, bad things happen.

“This zip line is so close to the water that it may as well be the gator’s version of a sushi conveyor belt,” wrote one person commenting on the video. Thankfully, there were no aggressive gators in the swamp that day looking for some free “sushi.”

Watch a swamp zipline featuring a surprise gator here:

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Source: https://outdoors.com/swamp-zipliners-shocked-when-gator-pops-out-of-water-video/