Stranded Baby Otter in Scotland Gets a Second Chance

A Eurasian otter was found alone on the Isle of Mull, on the west coast of Scotland, at only 10 weeks old.
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The Mull Otter Group rescued him and transported him to the International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF) on the nearby Isle of Skye. The organization’s main goal is to look after otter pups, with the goal of releasing them back into their natural habitat.
The otter was named Dòbhran, the Scottish Gaelic word for otter. He was found weighing less than a kilogram, but after a year of care in the otter sanctuary, he showed signs of independence and was released back into the wild.
Young otters rely on their mothers until they are 12-15 months old. If they become separated, otter pups can be extremely vulnerable. A fully grown adult Eurasian otter will measure approximately 3.2 feet (1-1.2 meters) long.
The Isle of Mull is Scotland’s fourth largest island, and it is a haven for wildlife. Red deer and eagles can also be seen on the isle, which is known for its rugged beauty and fascinating geology.
Otters are a common sighting on Mull’s coastline. However, they are on the “near threatened list” in the IUCN Red Data List, which means they are at high risk of extinction in the wild. There is a healthy population on the Isle of Mull, but they are shy and elusive creatures. If you are lucky, you might be able to spot them on seaweed-covered rocks or gliding in the water looking for fish.