Sponsor Opportunities Available for RVs Move America Week – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News

RV Moves America Week is just around the corner. Event sponsorships for this incredible industry-only event are available from networking breakfasts/breaks and lunch sponsors to event lanyards, the Advocacy Day Breakfast, and more. These opportunities will help to increase brand visibility for your organization.
As a sponsor, your organization will shine with all the benefits that come with any of the sponsorships. Benefits include a company name/logo in all the printed materials, digital signage, as well as other benefits listed for each of the sponsorship opportunities.
Studies show that event sponsorships increase a brand’s visibility during an event. Last year alone there were 225 attendees, and we’re excited for the participation this year as well! Please take this opportunity to be a sponsor for the upcoming RVs Move America Week event.
If your company is interested in becoming a sponsor of the event from the list of sponsorship options attached, please reach out to Dana DelVecchio at [email protected].