Spectacular Catch: Bobcat Nabs Duck From Icy River in Yellowstone

A park ranger in Yellowstone National Park captured the moment a bobcat showed just how much it wanted a meal by leaping into an icy river to snatch a duck. The duck seemed completely unaware of the predator lurking above it, hidden in a snow bank. Suddenly, the bobcat dove into the water and nabbed the duck.
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Videos by Outdoors
The ranger’s photos show the series of events beautifully. Yellowstone posted them on its Facebook page several years back, noting that they’d previously posted a video of a bobcat unsuccessfully hunting a duck, but this hunt ended differently.
See a bobcat hunt a duck in Yellowstone here:
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Here’s a video of what appears to be the same exact moment:
Find the Hidden Animals
Source: https://outdoors.com/spectacular-catch-bobcat-nabs-duck-from-icy-river-in-yellowstone/