Sound on: Trail Cam Catches Coyotes Having a Screaming Contest

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recently posted a video showing a group of coyotes screaming at each other, and the general consensus is that everyone simultaneously loves and hates it. The night-vision video is from a trail camera at Virginia’s Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Three coyotes are in the frame screeching and yelping at each other, creating a cacophony of not-so-melodious sounds.
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Videos by Outdoors
“RIP headphone users! Volume down, for the sake of your ears,” USFWS jokes in its Instagram post sharing the footage. “A trail camera at Occoquan Bay NWR caught three coyotes having a screaming contest! Kidding, but these vocalizations of yipping, howling, and barking all are ways coyotes communicate, build social bonds, or deter predators.”
The comments section sums it up nicely:
“ASMR for those who hate their ears,” writes one person.
“When is this releasing on Spotify? Asking for a friend,” wrote another.
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Turn your volume up (but not too loud!) and listen to some coyotes having a screaming match here:
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