‘RVing Today TV’ Explores Unique Rigs at National Truck-In – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News

From RVing Today TV: On this week’s show, Jeff Johnston visits the 50th National Truck-In, in Sterling, Colo. He shows us some of the unique vans and RVs he found at the event. Then, we check back with Evanne Schmarder in her RV kitchen, as she shows us some nice space-saving cookware and prepares a unique, healthy Indian dish made with yellow peas. Later, Johnston explains the on-the-road safety checks he performs when out traveling the country. | Everyone knows that dogs just love to chew, and try eating most anything, and that could be dangerous. This week, on a “Paws on Board,” Dr. Fitz explains what you should do if your dog ingests anything poisonous. These stories, plus our big Go Power! Kick-Off Spring Contest, on this week’s “RVing Today” TV.