‘RVing Today’ Show Looks at 1940’s-Inspired Decoliner RV

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In this epsiode of “RVing Today” the longtime RV lifestyle program takes another look at what has to be the most extreme scratch-built RV, the Decoliner, and we’ll meet the unique person behind this one-of-a kind creation. You won’t believe what went into building this insane retro-styled motorhome. Then, with the increase and the popularity of truck campers, one of the most difficult things to learn is loading that camper on your pickup bed. Jeff Johnston shows us some tricks he’s learned over the years that will simplify and make loading that camper a lot easier. Later, Michelle Fontaine shows us a great RV destination that’s loaded with history and plenty of things to see and do.This little seaport town was made famous years ago in a movie that starred Julia Roberts. Yes, we’re talking about Mystic, Conn.
Source: https://rvbusiness.com/rving-today-show-looks-at-1940s-inspired-decoliner-rv/