‘RVing in New England’ Chronicles DiPietro’s Trip to Florida – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News
“RVing in New England,” the weekly Facebook Live show hosted by Bob Zagami and John DiPietro of the New England RV Dealers Association (NERVDA), this week chronicle’s DiPietro’s current RV trip to Florida.””
“Once again John has fired up his RV and headed for the Sunshine State and some relief from a nasty winter in the Northeast. Join us tonight as John tells us stories and shows us a few videos from the trip to Florida,” notes a release from the show. “He is there now and taking in the Daytona 500 on Sunday, while visiting friends in his shorts and t-shirts.
“You know he has to stop at the first Buc-ee’s, which is usually in South Carolina. Along the way John and Maribeth have been staying at some great Spacious Skies Campgrounds and Harvest Hosts locations. We can also throw in a few winter stories from our fans still back there in New England.
“Something that is not discussed that often is the great condition of his motorhome – a lesson for all RVers on taking care of your precious investment and it will take care of you. He has some incredible memories of traveling in his Winnebago Navion on the Mercedes-Benz chassis. He’ll be happy to answer your questions on how you preserve the beauty and maintenance to make your own memories in your RV.
Have you taken your RV to Florida? Share your stories with our fans.
It’s a big state and winter escape for many RVers throughout the Northeast once the snow starts to fall.
Tonight’s show airs at 7 p.m. ET.