RVIA Report: Association Logs 50 Years, Kirby 30, in 2024 – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News

EDITOR’S NOTE: The RV Industry Association (RVIA) has released its 2023 Annual Report. The message below is from the report’s forward by RVIA President & CEO Craig Kirby. Click here to access the report.
As we look back on 2023, we should be proud of what we have accomplished as an industry, and feel optimistic about the direction we are heading. Interest in the outdoors and RVing has exploded over the last few years. The median age of new RV buyers has dropped to only 32 years old and these buyers are more diverse than ever before. RVers are enjoying the health benefits of recreating in nature. The RV industry also continues to be an economic powerhouse with the latest numbers from the Bureau of Economic Analysis showing that RVing has been the No. 1 contributor to the conventional outdoor recreation economy for two years running. To top it off, there is growing consensus that the recent economic headwinds are beginning to subside.
The RV industry has stepped up to meet the needs of new buyers with innovative products to fit every lifestyle and every budget. Even when faced with challenging economic conditions, RVing provides an affordable way for families and friends to experience the great outdoors and create lasting memories and connections with loved ones. This fact was confirmed by the 2023 Vacation Cost Comparison Study conducted by CBRE Hotels Advisory that found RV vacations are up to 60% less expensive than other comparable vacations. Go RVing has made this a consistent theme, weaving the message of affordability throughout our earned media efforts and paid marketing campaign.
While there is much to be optimistic about, we continue to be vigilant about delivering a first-class experience for RVers. To that end, the RV Industry Association’s Government Affairs Team has been pushing hard on our federal policy agenda – with a significant focus on critical issues like campground modernization and expansion, as well as addressing tax and trade issues impacting companies in our industry. Our relationship with the campground industry has never been stronger, and the newly formed RV Campground Coalition will continue the Association’s work to unify the entire industry around the importance of campgrounds to the current and future health of RV camping. On the service side, the industry’s investment in the RV Technical Institute is paying dividends. Over the past two years, the Institute has recruited over 2,200 new RV techs into the field and there are currently 15,000 individuals enrolled in some type of technician training. Even more impressive, there are 5,000 newly certified technicians – the largest number of certified techs in the RV industry’s history and over 800 RV dealerships have at least one certified RV technician on staff. Filling the funnel with more highly trained technicians is an incredibly important facet of our continued efforts to improve repair event cycle time (RECT) and enhance the customer experience.
The RV Industry Association Standards Department and its team of inspectors continue to be an extremely valued member benefit, maintaining our industry’s self-regulation and promoting the enhancement of safety by monitoring adherence to the standards adopted by the Board of Directors for the construction of RVs and park model RVs. In 2023, the foundation was laid to expand standards training, further improving understanding and compliance with changing standards.
Looking forward, this year the RV Industry Association will celebrate 50 years of serving the RV industry and the companies and people that build the products that create fun and everlasting memories for millions of people every year. As always, we appreciate the support and involvement of our members in making this industry so dynamic and robust, and thank them for their ongoing contributions. Our past success has come from the entire industry uniting and working together to overcome obstacles – and our future successes will as well. From self-regulation, sustainability, and consumer marketing to industry training and advocacy, we’re stronger together than apart.
Inside this Annual Report, you will find a look back at some of the high-level Association achievements and industry highlights from the past year, including, the Association’s financials, membership and industry trends, education and standards updates, the latest from the Go RVing consumer marketing campaign, and state, federal and international advocacy efforts.