RVDA Offers Online Training For Dealers’ Fixed Operations


FAIRFAX, Va. – With more than a million RVs sold in North America over the past two years, parts and service management personnel are dealing with an influx of customers looking to enhance or repair their towable or motorized product.

RV fixed operations professionals now have access to effective and affordable online parts and service management training through the Mike Molino RV Learning Center.

Join RVDA’s Phil Ingrassia and RV Learning Center Fixed Operations Consultant Tony Yerman for a special session on Monday, January 16th at the NTP-STAG Expo in Aurora, CO, which will provide a complete introduction to these programs which are ideal for experienced personnel looking to build upon existing skills or those new to the RV industry.

In this session, attendees will learn how fixed operations online courses/certification can help them:

  • Efficiently manage the parts and service departments to improve Repair Event Cycle Time (RECT)
  • Organize parts and service management workflows
  • Deal effectively with difficult customers and improve customer satisfaction
  • Improve employee retention through professional development and recognition. ‘

For more information on RV fixed operation training visit www.rvlearningcenter.com. For more information on the NTP-STAG Expo visit https://expo.ntpstag.com.

Source: https://rvbusiness.com/rvda-offers-online-training-for-dealers-fixed-operations/