RV Travel With Toddlers: 5 Things To Know Before You Go


Now that the summer travel season has arrived, many of us find we have even more time for RVing with the whole family. That’s especially true with the little ones that are out of daycare or school. Before going RVing with toddlers there are some things you need to know. RV travel with toddlers is a great way to expose them to nature and adventure–but it comes with challenges.

Man and woman with toddler on bed of RV - RV travel with toddlers

Hitting the road with your toddler for the first time is exciting for all involved. It can also be overwhelming for everyone. Planning your trip becomes more important than ever, and extra steps and considerations need to be taken to ensure an enjoyable experience for all.

Having young kids shouldn’t deter anyone from RVing. In fact, RV travel with toddlers can add to the enjoyment and memories. Whether it’s your first trip with toddlers or you’re experienced RVing parents, here are 5 tips to make the trip more enjoyable for everyone.

1. You Need To Occupy Their Busy Brains

Toddlers are busy! They may nap multiple times a day but when they are awake they need to be doing something. Often times an activity that is fun one minute is boring or frustrating the next.

Having multiple things such as games, books, outdoor activities, and craft supplies is a must. Having a rotation of activities will keep those young minds occupied and happy. You know your child best and so whatever they are into at the time will be brought on the road.

RVing for many people is about spending time outside, keep this in mind when thinking of things to bring and activities to plan. As much as we plan to be outdoors, mother nature doesn’t always agree so be prepared to entertain your toddler indoors for a day or two if needed.

2. Don’t Miss Out On Nature

Some children may be more content inside with activities similar to when they are at home. RV travel with toddlers, however, gives you the opportunity to introduce all the things nature has to offer.

Plan to do some outdoor activities to get away from the RV. Toddlers in general like to explore and are naturally curious about new things. A family hike can give them lots of new experiences and allow everyone to get some fresh air.

You can make the hike exciting by having a treasure map to follow to a prize at the end! Being prepared with snacks and drinks (especially water) will make the hike more enjoyable. As always, your parental duties may require you to carry or push your toddler home after an exciting day. Consider having a carrier or all-terrain stroller for adventures.

3. Plan For The Drive

Once you get to the campground or your destination there will be lots of exciting things to see and do. Getting there, however, may not be so enjoyable for a restless toddler.

If possible, plan short trips or split up your drive time with breaks to get out and burn off some energy. If your toddler has predictable nap times, schedule driving around these times to take advantage of the quiet time.

Occupying them while driving can be the trickiest part of the trip. Although most parents would like to keep electronics to a minimum while camping, time in the vehicle can be a good time to utilize them. A tablet with a favorite movie or game can keep them busy in the confined space of a vehicle until you arrive at your destination.

Child sitting on mans lap in drivers seat - RV travel with toddlers

4. Make Time For Yourself

Let’s be honest, RV travel with toddlers can be exhausting at times. As a parent, your kids are priority number one and their happiness and requirements are put before your own.

It is still important to have time for yourself and get your needed relaxation, even if it is short-lived. If you have help with your toddlers such as a spouse or older kids able to watch them this will be easier. You and your partner may even need to have personal time separately to make this happen but it is important. 

You don’t want to make RVing with your toddler a negative experience. Yes, it may be challenging at times and not as relaxing as sitting by the lake yourself, but the experience should be positive and enjoyable for all.

5. Choose The Right Campground

Some of us prefer primitive campgrounds and spending our time solely in nature. If your toddler is content with exploring outdoors and having less stimulation from other kids or specific activities this may work.

Many toddlers, however, will be happier and more satisfied with a family-friendly campground. There are lots of campgrounds that cater to kids and have tons of amenities for kids of all ages. Along with the amenities, these campgrounds will have more kids for your toddler to interact with.

A large number of these types of campgrounds also have planned activities for children and some even have childcare services! Margaritas anyone? 

Choosing the right campground can mean the difference between an RV trip, and a great RV trip. RV LIFE Campgrounds is the most trusted source of campground information in the industry. Millions of RVers use and trust Campground Reviews, which also provides the vast resources available in RV LIFE Pro, the best tool for planning and navigating your RV trips.

RV travel with toddlers can be a great experience or a terrible one. Planing the trip and knowing what your child’s needs are the keys to a positive experience.

The memories from camping as a child are some of the fondest for most people. There are endless experiences to expose your toddler to while RVing, all of which will positively affect them.

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Source: https://rvlife.com/rv-travel-with-toddlers-5-things-to-know-before-camping-with-kids/