Rollin’ on TV Film Crew Makes Stops at Alliance RV, RecPro
With Alliance RV travel trailers as a backdrop, a Rollin’ on TV crew films an episode of “Paws on Board with Dr. Fitz.” (Photo: Gary Gerard/RVBusiness)
Jose Moniz
ELKHART, Ind. – Alliance RV was the backdrop Wednesday for the filming of several episodes of “Paws on Board with Dr. Fitz,” a recurring feature of RVing Today’s Rollin’ on TV series.
“We’re partnering up with Alliance to do a segment of our Paws on Board series,” said Rollin’ on TV’s Executive Producer Jose Moniz. “We’ve known Joe (Joe Mehl, Alliance director of marketing) for a number of years. We’ve had him on the show before with his pets, so we brought our team here. We’re doing six Paws on Board segments with some of Alliance’s new pet friendly units.”
The Paws on Board series features Marissa “Dr. Fitz” Fitzpatrick who earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Michigan State University and works as an Associate Veterinarian at Haslett Animal Hospital in Haslett, Mich.
Veterinarian Dr. Marissa Fitzpatrick and Ace the bulldog were featured during the fliming.
Moniz said research shows more than 70% of RVers bring a pet on their RV trips. The show touches on things pet owners should consider and incorporate into their camping lifestyle to keep pets safe and happy.
“There are so many things RVers don’t realize with these pets,” he said. “One of the segments we just did here. You’re familiar with everything you have in the Midwest here, but if you’re down in Louisiana, there are parasites down there that you don’t have up here. Different things that you should be aware of and how to take care of those problems when you’re on the road.”
Other segments included information on motion sickness and avoiding sunburn in some breeds with short hair or after recent grooming.
“Anything a person would run across with a pet that they might not have considered,” he said.
While in the area, the crew also filmed a segment at long-time Rollin’ on TV sponsor and RV aftermarket supplier RecPro, based in Bristol, Ind.
“We’re doing a segment on them. Their growth has gone crazy,” Moniz said. “We’re doing a story on their new furniture line and we’re doing a story on their ‘Worlds Fastest Motorhome.’ ”

The RecPro “MoHo.”
In April RecPro purchased the World’s Fastest Class A Motorhome, the “MoHo.” The 1977 26-foot GMC Kingsley Motorhome featured an upgraded Chevy Big Block 502 Ram Jet motor with a wet nitrous system rated at over 700 horsepower. At the time, the MoHo held the speed record for a Class A at 122.6 mph.
A press release at the time of the purchase stated RecPro plans to unveil a new and improved MoHo by late 2023, including new graphics, improved aerodynamics and drivetrain upgrades with a goal of topping the speed record.
“They’re redoing it now,” Moniz said. “They’re putting a 1,500-horsepower engine in it.”
The six team members on site at Alliance worked approximately eight hours to “gang shoot” the six segments, which will air over the next several weeks on Rollin on TV, Moniz said.