Quartzsite Sports, Vacation & RV Show Set for Jan. 22-29

A scene from the 2019 Quartzsite show. (Photo credit: Quartzsite)
With roughly 150,000 RVers from all over the U.S. and Canada expected, the Quartzsite Sports, Vacation & RV Show will return in 2023 under a 70,000-square-foot tent with exhibits, shopping, repairs, upgrades and workshops. Located in the tiny town of Quartzsite, Ariz., the town swells to what is described as the largest gathering of RVers in the world, according to a release, from Kimmy King, the show’s organizer.
For nine days – Jan. 21-29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (3 p.m. closing day) – RVers visit the giant exhibit tent at 700 S. Central Blvd., Quartzsite, Ariz., to see the latest gadgets, get work and upgrades done on their RVs and learn more about the RV lifestyle with workshops and seminars – a new feature for 2023. As always, attendance at the event is free for spectators as is parking. Located just off Interstate 10, 125 miles west of Phoenix and just 20 miles from the California border, this sleepy little town plays host to an RV extravaganza that started 39 years ago.
Much more than an RV show, The Quartzsite Sports, Vacation and RV Show is a destination, a huge rock and mineral show and an exceptional people-watching venue. Attendees will be able to walk through hundreds of new and pre-owned RV models and there will be over a dozen, fully-staffed RV service bays offering repairs and service plus immediate installation of many of the items exhibited and sold at the show.
For 2023, a series of workshops and seminars will debut where attendees can learn about topics from trip planning to safety upgrades, solar and batteries, boondocking and how to shop for an RV. The media stage, sponsored by RV Life and managed by StressLess Camping, will host presenters all nine days of the show with free sessions that often include drawings for participants. Numerous tourism-related exhibits from around the world are scheduled, as well as representatives from dozens of the nation’s finest RV resorts and campgrounds. In addition, many “workcamper” recruiters from national parks and private campgrounds will be in attendance.
Attendees can expect to see the “who’s who” of the RV industry, but the stars of the show are the over 400 exhibitors (set up in and around the Big Tent – a 70,000-square-foot, fully carpeted structure) selling everything from the latest and greatest RV gadgets to fashion jewelry to local honey.
“If you’re looking for anything related to RVs, you’ll find it at our show in Quartzsite,” King said. “It’s something every RVer should have on their bucket list and experience at least once in their lifetime.” One of the appeals of Quartzsite at this time of year is mild temperatures and plenty of free disbursed camping. Many RVers travel thousands of miles to attend and spend their winters in the desert. This has become a must-attend event and there are clubs, groups, organizations and more who host their members and participants.
For more information, visit QuartzsiteRVshow.com
Source: https://rvbusiness.com/quartzsite-sports-vacation-rv-show-set-for-jan-22-29/