Public invited to Ruffed Grouse Society’s woodcock singing ground surveys in Pennsylvania’s McKean County – Outdoor News

Smethport, Pa. — The Ruffed Grouse Society (RGS) has scheduled its singing ground surveys for woodcock for April 15. Members of the RGS Upland Bird Hunt (UBH) Chapter will conduct the surveys, but other members of the public are invited to learn about the woodcock ‘sky dance,’ one of nature’s truly unique courtship displays. 

Those planning to attend are asked to register with John Dzemyan at [email protected] so information is available for everybody. 

UBH Chapter members will meet between 6 and 6:30 p.m. at the Clermont Park in Clermont, McKean County. All members will be bringing a snack of some type to share – e.g., sausage, cheese, chips, dips. 


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Once everybody has become familiar with other attendees, had a bite to eat, and have their woodcock survey information, the volunteers will head to their survey spots between 7-7:30 p.m. Most surveys will start after 8:00 p.m. and last 30-40 minutes as the sun sets. 

The six survey routes out of Clermont were established by the US Geological Service decades ago, and have been monitored on an annual basis by volunteers within the RGS or the American Woodcock Society. 

Come out and learn what this fun volunteer activity is all about and how it benefits woodcock.
