Public invited to comment on New York DEC’s proposed bass tournament permit system – Outdoor News

Albany, N.Y. — New York State Department of Environmental Conservation recently announced a proposal to implement a fishing tournament permit and reporting system for black bass (largemouth bass and smallmouth bass).
The no-cost black bass tournament permitting and reporting system would help identify the distribution and occurrence of black bass tournaments across the state, and would take effect in 2025.
DEC says bass are New York’s most sought-after freshwater sportfish. The number of black bass fishing tournaments has increased significantly over time, but the overall scope and scale of tournament activity in New York is currently unknown, limiting the ability of DEC fisheries biologists to fully understand.
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Information derived from the free permit system would help DEC address user conflicts, overuse of the resource, and concerns about fish populations.
Tournament catch data could also be used by fisheries biologist to further DEC’s understanding of black bass fisheries for improved management. In addition, the proposed regulation would allow for the listing of approved tournaments on DEC’s website.
Other highlights of the proposal include:
- Defining a fishing tournament and a fishing tournament director;
- Setting time-frames for permit applications, report submissions, and DEC review; and
- Providing DEC with the ability to place conditions on tournaments.
The full text and a summary of the proposed regulation are available on DEC’s website and additional information is available on the Black Bass Fishing Tournament Permit webpage.
Public comments will be accepted through June 10 and can be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] (subject: “Fishing Tournament Permits Proposal Comments”) or via mail to the Inland Fisheries Section, NYSDEC, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4753.