Priority RV Network Convenes ’24 Annual Meeting this Week – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News

The Priority RV Network 2024 Annual Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday through Thursday, April 2-4, of this week at the M Resort Spa Casino in the Las Vegas suburb of Henderson, Nev., the same facility at which the unique 28-year-old Montana-based RV dealer cooperative has gathered in recent years with its independent members and supplier/vendor partners.
“We are excited to have representatives of over 150 individual dealer locations, management and principals join us for our annual meeting along with our vendors,” said PRVN Board Chairman Michael Peay, president of Holiday World RV based in Kay, Texas, with five Texas stores and one in New Mexico.
“We had a fantastic year in 2023,” he told RVBusiness. “And we’ll not only be handing out rebates, but also a large patronage dividend to all of our members. We have strengthened our partnerships with our vendors and have already added some new partnerships in 2024. And, financially, Priority’s in great shape and its membership also grew in 2023.”
In fact, Peay said the market headwinds the industry’s been facing lately have ultimately added to the value of the programs PRVN offers its cooperative members and have ultimately provided a “competitive advantage” that can be passed along to retail customers in their respective marketplaces.
“So, as we’re doing business on a day-to-day basis with our cooperative partners and, even though it’s a tough market, we’re earning additional rebate dollars and profits for the co-op that then get rebated back through a patronage dividend to our members.”
Peay, in turn, says everything’s in place for this week’s meetings, which kick off tomorrow afternoon with a 3 p.m. vendor reception, while much of Wednesday is focused on supplier/vendor partner presentations and Thursday concludes with board elections, a bank and finance review and an OEM guest panel discussion with THOR Industries Inc. President & CEO Bob Martin, Grand Design RV President & CEO Don Clark and Forest River Inc. Group GM Doug Gaeddert that is moderated by RVB Senior Editor Sherm Goldenberg.