Places Your Bets: Elephant vs. Hippo (Video)

The hippo is a formidable creature, particularly in the water, but what happens when an African elephant wants to share the watering hole? In a hippo vs. elephant showdown, which large African mammal are you placing your bets on?
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Videos by Outdoors
“[The hippo] has nothing to fear in Africa’s waterways . . . [but] it is no match for an elephant,” wrote Safari Obsessions, a safari tourism account, in the post sharing a video of a bull elephant challenging a hippo in a pond. “This hippo was well aware of this fact and made sure to give the pugnacious young elephant bull a wide berth as it ‘threw its weight around.’”
Safari Obsessions credits the video taken this month to Scott Hyman, who experienced and filmed the exciting moment in Vumbura Plains, Botswana. This kind of interaction is every safari tourist’s dream.
Watch an elephant vs. hippo here:
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