Pennsylvania Mixed Bag: Voting to begin for 2024 River of the Year – Outdoor News
Harrisburg — The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources recently announced the public is invited to vote online for the 2024 Pennsylvania River of the Year, choosing from among three waterways nominated throughout the state.
The nominees for the 2024 River of the Year are the Allegheny River, Lackawaxen River, and Youghiogheny River. Nominations were based on each waterway’s conservation needs, successes, and programming plans if the nominee is voted 2024 River of the Year.
The public can vote for a favorite state waterway through 5 p.m. Jan. 19 at
New District Forester, Susquehannock Forest
Harrisburg — The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources recently announced that Marc Popchak has been appointed to serve as the district forester for the Susquehannock State Forest, which spans Potter, Clinton, and McKean counties.
Popchak assumed management responsibilities for the Susquehannock in September, overseeing the 265,000-acre forest that grows some of the most productive stands of black cherry trees in the world.
A Portage native, Popchak replaces Chris Nicholas, who is now working as the regional forester for Pennsylvania’s northern and western state forest districts. Employed by DCNR since 2004, Popchak has served as a forest technician, service forester, management forester and assistant district forester. He earned a bachelor’s degree in forest management from Penn State.

Last Md. Duck Stamp Contest Winner Named
Annapolis, Md. — The Maryland Department of Natural Resources recently announced that Jim Taylor, of Towson, won the 50th annual Migratory Game Bird Stamp Design Contest. Taylor is now one of two six-time winners.
Taylor won the 2024-25 contest with his beautiful rendition of a pair of American black ducks flying over the marsh, titled “May They Always Fly.”
This contest was the final Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp Design contest, as the physical stamp is no longer required or produced. The Department of Natural Resources will produce a limited run of 50th Anniversary commemorative decals in 2024 depicting this artwork.
Going forward, in place of an attached physical stamp, anyone hunting migratory game birds must possess a printed receipt showing proof of purchase of the Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp.
New District Forester, Buchanan State Forest
Harrisburg — The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources recently announced that Karli Naugle has been appointed to serve as the district forester for Buchanan State Forest, which includes land in Franklin, Fulton, and Bedford counties.
Naugle assumed management responsibilities for the Buchanan in September, overseeing the 72,783-acre forest named in honor of James Buchanan, the 15th president of the United States.
Originally from Richmond, Virginia, Naugle grew up in Chambersburg and attended Penn State, where she earned an undergraduate degree in forest science.
Naugle has worked for DCNR for 25 years, beginning as a forest technician in Sproul State Forest, and working in various other roles including as a forest health technician, in urban and community forestry, and as the assistant district forester for Buchanan State Forest.
2,500-acre Addition to Pinchot State Forest
Harrisburg — The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources recently announced that the agency has added the 2,500-acre Miller Mountain property in Wyoming County to Pinchot State Forest.
Miller Mountain’s inclusion into Pinchot State Forest marks the first state forestland in Wyoming County. The 2022 addition of 669-acre Vosburg Neck State Park was the first state parkland in the county.
Miller Mountain is located in Endless Mountains Heritage Region and within a half-mile of an Important Bird Area. The land provides critical habitat for migratory birds, black bears, white-tailed deer and bobcats.
The mountain is open to the public, however DCNR is establishing the state forest boundary lines and assessing the property for public access and recreational opportunities.