Pennsylvania Mixed Bag: Forest Service sends Allegheny National Forest payments to counties – Outdoor News
Warren, Pa. — The U.S. Forest Service recently announced its 2023 annual payments to be distributed to four counties containing the Allegheny National Forest.
A portion of Forest Service funds generated through multi-use activities, such as grazing, timber production and special use permits is distributed to eligible counties to help maintain local roads and schools.
The four counties within the Allegheny National Forest will receive a total of $3,135.476 from the gross receipts generated on Forest Service lands during the 2023 fiscal year. Distributions are: Elk – $462,178, Forest – $1,508,674, McKean – $ 557,867 and Warren – $606,757.

Women Wingshooting at Mount Jewett Club
Mount Jewett, Pa. — The. Ruffed Grouse Society will offer its Women’s Introduction to Wingshooting Program at the Mount Jewett Sportsmen’s Club July 20-21 and Aug. 24-25. The course is only for women and taught by women.
On both Saturdays, the course starts at noon and ends at 4 p.m.
On both Sundays, the course starts at 10 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m. Attendance over both weekends is required to graduate and receive an offer to attend a free hunt Sept. 8 at a nearby sportsmen’s club.
Send an email to [email protected] to register. Limited lodging is available.
Fly fishing need not be intimidating; here’s where to start
Pennsylvania fly-fishers compete in world event
New Pennsylvania Game Commission director grilled by legislators
Good Ole Summertime Photo Contest
Weedville, Pa. — The Pennsylvania Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau is holding its Good Ole Summertime Photo Contest, which runs from July through September.
Finalists’ photos for the contest period will be posted online with the four entries receiving the most votes winning the following cash prizes: First Place $100, Second Place $75, Third Place $50 and Fourth Place $25.
To enter, complete the entry form and upload your photos at The only requirements are that the photo meet the photo contest theme and must be taken in Cameron, Elk, or Forest counties.
Md. Turkey Hunters Harvest 4,959 Birds
Annapolis, Md. — Maryland hunters harvested 4,959 wild turkeys during the 2024 spring regular and junior turkey seasons. This year’s harvest was 7% lower than the record amount set last spring, but surpassed the harvest totals from previous seasons.
DNR surveys documented average to excellent reproductive success in many regions during the summers of 2021 and 2022, resulting in a good number of 2-3 year-old gobblers available this spring. Adult gobblers comprised 87% of the total harvest.
Garrett County reported the highest harvest with 546 turkeys, followed by Charles County (472) and Washington County (442). Four counties produced record harvests: Charles, Queen Anne’s, Wicomico, and Worcester.
New Manager for Lackawanna State Park
Harrisburg — The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources recently announced the appointment of Lee Dillon to serve as the manager for the Lackawanna State Park Complex in northeastern Pennsylvania.
He officially began overseeing operations in the park complex, which includes Archbald Pothole, Prompton, and Salt Springs state parks, in March.
Dillon holds a degree in park and recreation management from Butler Community College and a park and resource management degree from Slippery Rock University.
Beginning his career in public service as a resource ranger at Presque Isle State Park, Dillon has worked at several other state parks including Moraine, Sam Lewis, Mount Pisgah, and Tobyhanna.
Gov. Shapiro, His Family, Visit State Parks
Harrisburg — Leading up to and over the Memorial Day weekend, Gov. Josh Shapiro and First Lady Lori Shapiro took a recreational vehicle tour to several state parks, highlighting some of the fantastic outdoor experiences that make Pennsylvania “The Great American Getaway.”
The first family joined millions of visitors across the commonwealth who were kicking off the summer with outdoor adventures and campfires in the state’s 124 state parks and more than two million acres of state forests on the holiday weekend.
The tour spanned more than 1,500 miles with visits in 14 counties and included visits to Ohiopyle, Lyman Run, Cherry Springs, Leonard Harrison, and Hickory Run state parks.