Outdoor Rec Roundtable Decries House Spending Bill Cuts – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News

Jessica Wahl Turner

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) issued the following statement on the proposed spending cuts in the House Appropriations Committee Fiscal Year 2025 bill for the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies. The bill is being considered by the subcommittee today (June 28): 

“Cuts proposed by the House Appropriations Committee to spending on our public lands and waters are a step in the wrong direction, undermining the very infrastructure and resources that support our nation’s vibrant $1.1 trillion outdoor recreation economy.  In light of ORR’s recent report findings that show outdoor recreation contributes nearly 14 times more to the U.S. economy than what it gets from federal spending, these cuts are misguided and deeply disappointing.   

“The House FY25 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Act includes a 3% cut from last year’s budget for the Department of the Interior at a time when our report shows that a 3% increase across recreation related agencies is needed just to keep pace with inflation and doesn’t take into account the need for additional funding to support increased visitation and the cost of extreme weather events on our natural resources. While we appreciate the increase in funding for the Office of Wildland Fire Management, the overall reductions will have far-reaching negative impacts. 

“We urge Congress to reject these proposed cuts and recognize the substantial economic, health, and environmental benefits that robust funding for outdoor recreation provides. Investing in outdoor recreation is an investment in our nation’s future, and it is imperative that federal appropriations reflect this reality.” Jessica Wahl Turner, president, Outdoor Recreation Roundtable.


About ORR     

The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable is the nation’s leading coalition of outdoor recreation associations representing the more than 110,000 outdoor businesses in the recreation economy and the full spectrum of outdoor-related activities. The most recent data from the U.S. Department of Commerce shows that outdoor recreation generated $1.1 trillion and 5 million American jobs in 2022, comprising 2.2% of the nation’s economy and 3.2% of all employees in the country.  

Source: https://rvbusiness.com/outdoor-rec-roundtable-decries-house-spending-bill-cuts/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=outdoor-rec-roundtable-decries-house-spending-bill-cuts