Osprey vs. Pelican: Watch Two Birds Battle Mid-Air Over a Fish


Osprey are accomplished hunters that swoop down into a body of water to snatch fish and other tasty morsels. They often make impressive catches thanks to their laser-sharp vision and strong talons. A wildlife photographer noticed that lately in his favorite bird-watching spot, some pelicans have been trying to capitalize on the ospreys’ hunting skills by going after the fish as the osprey lifts itself out of the water and takes flight. Mark Smith of Mark Smith Photography then captured a video of a osprey vs. pelican mid-air battle on video and shared it to his Instagram account.

“The pelicans have been extra bold lately, trying their hardest to snatch a free meal from the ospreys,” wrote Mark Smith. “They are rarely successful [. . .].” This pelican, though, had a strategy. It was certainly a good fight. Which bird do you think flew away with the prized fish?

Watch an osprey vs. pelican mid-air battle here:

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Source: https://outdoors.com/osprey-vs-pelican-watch-two-birds-battle-mid-air-over-a-fish/