Oregon Firm Reimagines Slide Toppers with ‘True Topper’ – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News

Slide topper awnings offer a number of benefits including protecting the tops of slide rooms from debris. But they have challenges, too, including flapping in strong winds and being another point of maintenance. Oregon-based Composite Solutions has an alternative that they have installed in many hundreds of RVs called the True Topper.
Rather than trying to cover the slideroom roof, the True Topper eliminates the need for the flange that runs along the roof. With the flange removed (notorious for collecting debris and snow) the True Topper functions both as a sweep and proper flashing. Debris is pushed over the edge as the True Topper folds down and locks into place when the slideroom is closed. But it is more than that as the True Topper’s main construction is of extruded aluminum as are the caps on the ends of the True Topper and the hinge, all of which make-up a significant portion of the True Topper device.
Able to be fitted to the width of almost any slide room, (yes, even if your slideroom has a flange around it) there is more to the True Topper device than meets the eye. As the ridged aluminum acts to push debris off the slide roof, it is followed by a small “bonus wipe” which acts to assist the original factory wipes that are fitted within the header of the slideroom opening.
Dennis Dame of Composite Solutions development team explains “Eliminating those floppy awning style slidetoppers while enabling debris, and snow to be shed from the roof has been a real game changer. The retail/retrofit market has responded overwhelmingly, and our OEM prospects suggest the True Topper is not only is here to stay but is moving to become the industry standard.”
The True Topper was initially fitted to certain Tiffin products at the factory but is now available in the aftermarket. As such the company is seeing a lot of people having True Toppers installed who have towable RVs as well as the traditional motorized RVer. The company has attended a number of larger RV events including FMCA Conventions and plans to offer installations at the huge Quartzsite Sports, Vacation and RV Show in 2025.

While the True Topper is available as an OEM product, presently the installations are being done at a retail basis for owners of RVs. Due to the method of the installation, the company has specifically chosen facilities to do the installation including their own in Oregon.
Essentially the True Topper is an aluminum flap at the top of the slide. As the slide room retracts the wiper seals push debris, snow and water off the top of the slide box. When the room comes to a close the True Topper closes up over the top of the slide with a spring-like mechanism to hold the True Topper in place so it doesn’t flap as the RV is rolling down the road.
The installation of the True Topper varies based on how the slide room is constructed but with so many towable RVs with flexible roofing material, the installation can include aluminum rails on the sides of the slide box that the True Topper essentially rides on so it doesn’t rest on the rubber roof membrane.
RVs with a lip or flange at the top of their slide rooms have to be slightly modified so that the entire top of the slide is a smooth surface but True Topper is accustomed to this modification. Because of the relative simplicity of the True Topper there is essentially no maintenance and the protrusion from the side of the RV when the slide room is closed is minimal so there is also a lower chance of breakage due to catching something in a campground.
The True Topper is almost one of those things one sees and thinks, “why didn’t I think of that
“People really love it,” said Heidi Chase whose parents own the company.