One Last Celebration Firesides | I Heart RVing

1 Last Laugh
(The Daddest Joke Around) It’s sad that nobody makes RV accessories in America anymore. The other day I bought a new TV for my rig. It said, “Built in Antenna.
1 Final Inspiration
“The freedom of the open road is seductive, serendipitous, and absolutely liberating.” – Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
1 SIMPLE tip
Empty space in your fridge and freezer makes it inefficient. Minimize electricity use and keep your stuff colder for longer when off the grid by filling empty spaces with water bottles. Just make sure any bottles you put in the freezer have enough space for the ice to expand.
1 big tease
We’re looking for great stories from the wild. Hunting. Fishing. Hiking. You name it—and send us your pictures at editorial@!
1 formal invitation
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1 Closing Word
Here’s a ‘Merican-flavored magazine pun for you: We hope you enjoyed this magazine from C1 to shining C4. It’s definitely our most patriotic issue ever, which we think makes it one of our best. We think you’ll also agree that our country could use more togetherness, and nothing brings people together like forcing them to sit in a small box together for days at a time. What we’re saying is, we could all use a lot more RV trips.