Ohio Sea Grant captain’s conference set for March 2 – Outdoor News

Huron, Ohio — The Ohio Sea Grant program has offered its charter captain conference for the past 43 years as a way of providing updated information about Lake Erie to licensed guides to enhance the success of their businesses.
The conference will be held this year on March 2 in the Cedar Point Conference Center at Bowling Green State University’s Firelands Campus in Huron.
In recent years, Sea Grant has made a point of getting the word out that this meeting is also open to anyone else wishing to attend who has an interest on the status and well-being of Lake Erie.
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This year, the Ohio DNR Divisions of Wildlife and Division of Parks and Watercraft will be giving presentations on the overall fish population status and fishing prospects, smallmouth bass tagging studies, law enforcement efforts, and boating incidents on Lake Erie.
The U.S. Coast Guard and Sea K’s Maritime Licensing Service will be covering new legal requirements for captains and sustainable angling and water quality issues will be covered by Ohio Sea Grant. A select group of vendors will be invited to display products and services.
Check in starts at 8 a.m. and includes a continental breakfast and a buffet style lunch. Register online by Feb. 28 to ensure your lunch ticket.
Tickets for the buffet lunch and door prizes will be issued as you check in at the door. Door prizes will be awarded throughout the day.
Registration is $50 per person and will be handled online, payable by credit card. Sign up online by Feb. 28 at go.osu.edu/OCCC. Contact Tory Gabriel, Ohio State University Fisheries Extension leader, at 419-819-3141 or [email protected] if you have any questions.
Source: https://www.outdoornews.com/2024/02/12/ohio-sea-grant-captains-conference-set-for-march-2/