Ohio Mixed Bag: Sportsmen show kicks off in Mt. Hope – Outdoor News

Mount Hope, Ohio — The Northeast Ohio Sportsmen Show in Amish country is about to get underway.
This year’s event kicks off on Thursday, Jan. 18, at 2 p.m. at the Mt. Hope Event Center.
Exhibit booths, demonstrations, and seminars are all a part of the popular annual event that runs through Saturday, Jan. 20.
Note the show only runs through Saturday with no Sunday hours. Visit ohiosportsmanshow.com for more details.
Public Meeting Set For Lake Logan SP
Logan, Ohio — The Ohio DNR (ODNR) Division of Parks and Watercraft will host an open house to share up-to-date information and gather community input about the status of Lake Logan State Park.
“An open house will allow our staff to engage directly with the people most invested in the condition of Lake Logan,” ODNR Director Mary Mertz said. “I hope that area residents will attend to learn more about our current management strategies.”
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The open house will be held on Saturday, Jan. 27 at the Hocking Hill State Park Lodge & Conference Center, 20020 Ohio 664, Logan. It will run from 10 a.m. to noon.
ODNR staff members, with expertise in dam management, dredging, vegetation management, water quality, and shoreline management will be in attendance to listen and answer questions.
Located within the rolling Appalachian foothills of southeastern Hocking Valley, Lake Logan State Park offers a 400-acre lake for boating as well as prime fishing and hunting opportunities.
Wetland Stamp Contest Coming In February
Columbus — The Ohio DNR (ODNR) Division of Wildlife is calling on artists to get ready for the next Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp contest. Established in 1982, Ohio’s duck stamp program is one of the nation’s longest running and most successful.
Submissions for the next Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp competition will be accepted Feb. 1-15. The winner of the competition will have their work featured on the 2025 Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp and receive a service contract of $4,000.
Sales of the Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp have produced more than $11 million for wetland habitat protection and conservation. Proceeds fund vital wetland projects in Ohio which are important to many resident and migratory waterfowl species, other wetland birds, and amphibians.
Ohio is proud to be one of the few states that still features hand-painted artwork on the state wetlands stamp. Artists can choose to depict any of Ohio’s native waterfowl species other than American wigeon, canvasbacks, or lesser scaup, which were featured on the previous three stamps. All artists ages 18 and older who reside in the United States are encouraged to enter the competition. Artwork will be judged on Saturday, Feb. 17, by a panel of five judges with a conservation background.
The winning entry will feature a qualifying species of Ohio waterfowl. The design may not exceed 18 inches wide by 13 inches high, should be displayed on a single white mat of 2½ inches width, and be protected by a removable acetate or cellophane cover. All two-dimensional art mediums other than digital art and photographs are accepted. For contest rules, including a list of qualifying species, read the Ohio Wildlife Wetlands Stamp Design Contest Rules and Artist Packet at wildohio.gov.
Work Planned On Buckeye Lake Feeder Canal
Kirkersville, Ohio — The Ohio DNR (ODNR) is set to commence a tree clearing project at Buckeye Lake State Park along the Kirkersville feeder canal in early 2024, with the goal of enhancing access, inspection capabilities, and overall stability of the embankment.
The primary purpose of the tree clearing project is to improve access along the feeder canal. By carefully removing trees, ODNR aims to facilitate inspection processes and enhance the overall stability of the embankment. Additionally, the project includes clearing locations ahead of installation of erosion control measures, particularly in areas prone to overtopping.
Work will take place on state property at various locations along the canal. ODNR is actively engaged in reaching out to property owners individually that are adjacent to the canal to aid in access for conducting necessary work along or on their respective properties.
Tree clearing is scheduled to begin in early 2024, meeting regulatory requirements for completion by March 31. While the primary focus is on tree clearing, additional site cleanup activities may extend into the spring. The scope of the project is limited to clearing the top of the feeder canal to the eastern end of the embankment, with limited clearing inside the channel.
Person Of The Year Nominees Sought
Delaware, Ohio — It is that time of year again to nominate this year’s Ohio Outdoor News Person of the Year.
Nominations for the award, given over the past 15 years by the publication, will be accepted through the end of February.
Nominees should be someone who has made his or her mark in conservation circles, whether through volunteering, mentoring, or leading hunters, anglers, and trappers.
Nominations need not be lengthy, but just a simple note to Ohio Outdoor News explaining in a few words how the nominee is deserving.
Email nominations to Ohio Outdoor News Editor Mike Moore at [email protected]. The winner will be announced in a feature story in a spring issue of the publication.
Source: https://www.outdoornews.com/2024/01/15/ohio-mixed-bag-sportsmen-show-kicks-off-in-mt-hope/