Ohio Mixed Bag: Cincinnati Zoo to receive federal money to offset COVID-19 – Outdoor News

Washington, D.C. — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums recently announced more than $4.5 million in reimbursement funding under the American Rescue Plan Endangered Species COVID-19 Relief program. The funds will be distributed among 26 facilities for costs related to species care during the pandemic.
“These American Rescue Plan Act funds help address the significant revenue losses during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said USFWS Director Martha Williams. “These funds are important to sustain the high-quality conservation, recovery, and rescue work AZA institutions engage in that benefit our nation’s protected species.”
In Ohio, the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden is in line for $185,144 in COVID-19 relief funds.
Another good year expected when Ohio’s archery whitetail season starts Sept. 28
Saugeye minimums poised to come off the books in Ohio
Ohio Insider: Still quiet on the EHD front so far
Ottawa NWR Hosting Big Fundraiser
Oak Harbor, Ohio — This September, Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and the Friends of Ottawa NWR are hosting a month-long Migration-A-Thon Virtual Challenge, a way to come together and move (bird, walk, hike, run, swim, paddle, bike, etc.) in our community with a goal of reaching 2,269 miles collectively, the distance it takes a monarch butterfly to travel from Oak Harbor, Ohio, to the butterfly sanctuary in Sierra Chincua, Mexico.
When participants register for the Virtual Challenge, they can log miles for the month of September to help the refuge reach its goal. As participants move, they can earn entries to win prizes, including a Garmin Instinct 2 Smartwatch. Participants can also create a fundraising page and have friends, family, or businesses sponsor their movement with a donation or pledged rate per mile.
The Friends group has a goal to raise $5,000 to sponsor one internship in 2025 that will support the conservation mission of the refuge.
To register for the Virtual Challenge, log onto https://www.friendsofottawanwr.org/migration-a-thon.html.
Visit https://www.friendsofottawanwr.org/events.html to view the calendar of events. Some programs require free registration. Call 419-313-3236 to register.
Chamberlain Named NWTF’s Turkey Professor At UGA
Edgefield, S.C. — Prominent wild turkey researcher Mike Chamberlain, Ph.D., professor of wildlife ecology and management at the University of Georgia, has been formally appointed to chair the National Wild Turkey Federation Distinguished Professor position at UGA. The UGA Board of Regents officially selected Chamberlain for the NWTF position at its Aug. 14 meeting in Atlanta.
For more than 30 years, Chamberlain has been a stalwart researcher of wild turkey ecology. Being both a mainstay researcher in academia and a passionate turkey hunter, Chamberlain conveys a unique perspective, understanding what the leading science says while also being aware of the position and desires of many turkey hunters.
Student Geology Grants Available
Columbus — The Ohio DNR (ODNR) Division of Geological Survey is now accepting applications for the Ohio Geology Student Research Grant program. The program will support graduate and undergraduate students who conduct geologic research in the state.
The ODNR Division of Geological Survey will award grants of $2,500 each to up to three earth science students at Ohio colleges and universities.
The deadline for application submission is Friday, Dec. 6. The application and complete submission guidelines can be found on the division’s website. Candidates must be enrolled in a full-time graduate or undergraduate earth science studies program at an accredited college or university in Ohio for the 2024–25 academic year.