Ohio Letters to the Editor: We need more letters to the editor to print in the news – Outdoor News

This is the first edition in the near 20-year history of Ohio Outdoor News that we don’t have at least one letter to the editor for the print edition of the newspaper.
For the record, it happened for the first time in this edition, Vol. 19, Issue 5 with a publish date of March 1.
Letters to the editor give the reader an opportunity to sound off on a topic, whether they read a story about it in the paper or not.
Over the years, our readers have been diligent about submitting letters. Although we don’t receive all that many, the flow is fairly steady and allows us to print at least one letter in every edition of Ohio Outdoor News.
So, I urge you, the reader, to put on your thinking cap and write us a short letter. It doesn’t have to be anything long, but just tell us what you think about an issue in the outdoors that is affecting you.
Letters should be no more than 250 words, focused on an outdoor topic that either we’ve covered in the newspaper or a topic that we haven’t covered that you think we should.
Send letters via e-mail to me at [email protected]. Or mail it the old-fashioned way to PO Box 1010, Delaware, Ohio, 43015.
Here’s hoping for more letters.
Mike Moore, Delaware, Ohio Outdoor News editor
Commentaries and letters are the opinions of the writers, not necessarily those of Outdoor News
This issue’s question ….. Do you hunt coyotes in Ohio at any time of year?
Yes or No
Online results from last issue’s question ….. Do you think Ohio will get any more fishable ice this winter?
Yes — 0% No — 100%
Vote @ www.outdoornews.com/Ohio
Discuss at facebook.com/OutdoorNews
Attention Readers
Outdoor News invites letters from its readers. All letters must have the writer’s name, complete address and phone number. (Phone numbers will not be printed.) Please keep letters to 250 words. Form letters will not be printed. Outdoor News reserves the right to edit.
Address letters to:
Letters to the Editor, Outdoor News, PO Box 1010, Delaware, OH 43015.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website form at www.outdoornews.com.